Fall in the Mile High City is pretty magical. But between back to school, the change in weather, and the “holiday creep,” autumn has a way of feeling like one of the most hectic times of the year.
As we transition between seasons, it’s a perfect time to reflect more deeply and then take action to really live our best lives every day. With our summer adventures and weekend BBQs behind us, we can finally have more time off to tackle those home (and self) improvement projects that have been nagging in our minds.
Our homes are extensions of ourselves — and thus our moods, our energy, and our overall wellness! That’s why it’s important to make sure you have some solid systems in place so that we can truly feel AT HOME in our houses.
If you’re one of the nearly 16 million people who relocated and moved during the pandemic — it’s quite possible that you’re still unpacking and getting settled in your new space. Never fear — we are here to help with our post-move organizing services.
“Flow” is the state of being we all aspire to — easy, effortless and enjoyable. We can achieve this by taking a birds-eye view of our lives, our daily routines, and lifestyle habits and noting how our space is set up to support that.
Whether you’re new to the Denver area, or an established Denverite, here are some of my favorite tips for creating inner peace through outer order, setting you up for success all year long.
Think about it: Which areas of your home really help, or hurt, you in your day to day life?
Examine the following high-traffic areas in your home to see if they are set up in a way to improve functionality and flow.
Your entryway/ drop zone
Your vitamins/supplements
Your blender or coffee station
Your vanity/grooming station
Other areas to examine: your pantry, your bedside table, and even your car!
It’s so important for items that we use frequently to be convenient and accessible so that we can move through our day, from one activity to the next, without constantly creating messes. The key is to create our spaces with both function AND form in mind. Find a way to organize your most frequently-used areas so that they’re appealing, energizing and minimizing visual and physical clutter (i.e. no crowding, stacking or stuffing!)
We can do this in two ways:
First, by making sure there are dedicated places or zones for everything — free from crowding, stacking, or stuffing. If something leaves its zone, we must make it a habit to return it to its home every time.
Second, by investing in high-quality products and containers like baskets, bins, turntables, hooks, racks, drawer dividers, hangers, and more. Strive to create a uniform look with your storage systems through matching labels or complementary colors or materials.
Bonus tip
Keeping surfaces clear is so important for creating energetic flow. Whenever possible, aim to safeguard your home’s prime real estate: its floors and countertops — by creatively using walls, the hanging space behind doors, or other areas instead.
As many of us have learned during the pandemic, the old saying “you can’t fill from an empty cup” could not be more true! The term “self care” is often overused and it’s easy to assume that it means meditation, taking a spa day, or a nap, but true self-care is also about doing the little things that bring you pleasure, positive energy and fulfillment.
Take some time to think about what really lights you up and makes you happy. Is it something ...
Creative (Examples: crafting, baking, painting)
Physical (Examples: dance, hiking, swimming)
Reflective (Examples: reading, journaling)
Social (Examples: live music, social gatherings)
Set aside time every day (or two) to do whatever activities you genuinely enjoy in life — you’ll reap the benefits of your overall health — and productivity!
Bonus tip
Short on time? Try the “15 minute rule” and set a timer to unplug! Where and when do you find your flow?
For anyone who follows Marie Kondo, you know how tidying can immediately shift the energy of your space, and your life! Decluttering and editing is not just because you want your house to appear Instagram-worthy though. It’s also so that you can get clear about your values — what is important to you? What is useful and purposeful to you?
Kondo recommends going by themes to declutter (clothing, books, papers, miscellaneous, and sentimental items). Hold every item in your hand and ask yourself if you truly need, use or love it. If something doesn't genuinely “spark joy,” thank it, and then set it aside to be donated or discarded.
Organizing is not a one-size-fits-all process though. If working in categories does not appeal to you, simply try decluttering room by room, focusing on high-clutter areas such as your garage, closets, cabinets and drawers.
Bonus tip
Don’t forget about a digital declutter too! Take time to remove unused apps, clear the inbox, and delete old files to free up storage space.
So often we focus on streamlining our spaces, but what about also decluttering our schedules and weekly routines? The fall is a great time to examine your obligations of time — everywhere between house chores, work, school, extracurriculars, social time and more.
Consider letting go of whatever is on your calendar that brings you or your family more stress than satisfaction. Which activities create more complications than clarity?
Perhaps it’s cutting out the weekly involvement of a sports team, or that grueling annual trip to see relatives. Or maybe it’s adding more simplicity and predictability to your day through meal prep and planning. Bottom line: Our lives our precious and short — let’s spend them doing things that bring us joy, not dread!
When planning out our time and schedules be aware of what your natural energy cycles and tendencies are — are you a morning person, or a night owl? Do you prefer a packed week and then a weekend of rest, or the opposite? Lastly, remember to be realistic and allot plenty of buffer time between activities, knowing that nearly everything always takes longer than we think.
Bonus tip
Is doing housework on your “dread list”? Consider investing in a monthly cleaning service — but only after you’ve had a professional decluttering session with Keli, of course! Remember, edit first — then organize!
Stuck on a project and don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re juggling a bunch of partially completed tasks. This is one of my favorite tricks for eliminating mental clutter and decision fatigue.
Every so often when I am feeling overwhelmed with the chaos of work or life, I write out every single thing on my mind onto a stack of sticky notes. Then I follow my signature in-home organizing process, only applying it to my thoughts/to-do list instead. After it’s all out of my head and onto paper I start taking the sticky notes and sorting them into categories that make sense for you. Examples include “Urgent, Important, Not Urgent, etc.” or “Errands, Communications, Mental Tasks, Tasks to Delegate),” or even tasks based on time “10 minutes or less”, “over 10 minutes” etc.
Once every note has been categorized and sorted, I have a clear visual picture of what’s ahead of me to accomplish. When it’s no longer a mess in my mind it becomes instantly easier to process, digest and prioritize and then most importantly — ACT!
This method allows me to tackle the micro-tasks that add up, and keeps the momentum rolling for the big stuff too. One step at a time, whittling away on the journey towards progress. You can do it!
Bonus tip
If you're not into sticky notes, you can create a similar “mind map” using the Japanese Kanban method.
As the temperatures drop over the next few months, our energy and way of being shifts too. What parts of your home need to transition away from spring and summer and into the fall and winter season? Take a look around to see if the season is reflected in your space which will add natural alignment and flow for you, your family, and your guests.
Examples of places and opportunities where fall can appear in your home:
Spray off your outdoor patio furniture for storage, or put on protective weatherproof covers.
Check out your garage or attic for autumnal or holiday decor
Curate your closet with a seasonally appropriate wardrobe
Transition your bedding and couches with cozy comforters, colorful throw pillows and blankets
Bonus tip
Invest in hygge decor details such as pumpkin scented candles, gords, and fall plantings which make fall so special and magical.
Remember, there’s no need to succumb to the fall frenzy, or even the winter blues. If unpacking your new home, implementing new systems and preparing for the new season seems too overwhelming, we’re here for you! Organized by Keli & Co. is dedicated to helping clients in Denver create spaces that support your lifestyle, vision and goals. We can help you organize your home so that you can thrive in an environment that works for you. Reach out today for a free consultation to see how we can help you get focused and find your ultimate flow in life!
Fall in the Mile High City is pretty magical. But between back to school, the change in weather, and the “holiday creep,” autumn has a way of feeling like one of the most hectic times of the year.
As we transition between seasons, it’s a perfect time to reflect more deeply and then take action to really live our best lives every day. With our summer adventures and weekend BBQs behind us, we can finally have more time off to tackle those home (and self) improvement projects that have been nagging in our minds.
Our homes are extensions of ourselves — and thus our moods, our energy, and our overall wellness! That’s why it’s important to make sure you have some solid systems in place so that we can truly feel AT HOME in our houses.
If you’re one of the nearly 16 million people who relocated and moved during the pandemic — it’s quite possible that you’re still unpacking and getting settled in your new space. Never fear — we are here to help with our post-move organizing services.
“Flow” is the state of being we all aspire to — easy, effortless and enjoyable. We can achieve this by taking a birds-eye view of our lives, our daily routines, and lifestyle habits and noting how our space is set up to support that.
Whether you’re new to the Denver area, or an established Denverite, here are some of my favorite tips for creating inner peace through outer order, setting you up for success all year long.
Think about it: Which areas of your home really help, or hurt, you in your day to day life?
Examine the following high-traffic areas in your home to see if they are set up in a way to improve functionality and flow.
Your entryway/ drop zone
Your vitamins/supplements
Your blender or coffee station
Your vanity/grooming station
Other areas to examine: your pantry, your bedside table, and even your car!
It’s so important for items that we use frequently to be convenient and accessible so that we can move through our day, from one activity to the next, without constantly creating messes. The key is to create our spaces with both function AND form in mind. Find a way to organize your most frequently-used areas so that they’re appealing, energizing and minimizing visual and physical clutter (i.e. no crowding, stacking or stuffing!)
We can do this in two ways:
First, by making sure there are dedicated places or zones for everything — free from crowding, stacking, or stuffing. If something leaves its zone, we must make it a habit to return it to its home every time.
Second, by investing in high-quality products and containers like baskets, bins, turntables, hooks, racks, drawer dividers, hangers, and more. Strive to create a uniform look with your storage systems through matching labels or complementary colors or materials.
Bonus tip
Keeping surfaces clear is so important for creating energetic flow. Whenever possible, aim to safeguard your home’s prime real estate: its floors and countertops — by creatively using walls, the hanging space behind doors, or other areas instead.
As many of us have learned during the pandemic, the old saying “you can’t fill from an empty cup” could not be more true! The term “self care” is often overused and it’s easy to assume that it means meditation, taking a spa day, or a nap, but true self-care is also about doing the little things that bring you pleasure, positive energy and fulfillment.
Take some time to think about what really lights you up and makes you happy. Is it something ...
Creative (Examples: crafting, baking, painting)
Physical (Examples: dance, hiking, swimming)
Reflective (Examples: reading, journaling)
Social (Examples: live music, social gatherings)
Set aside time every day (or two) to do whatever activities you genuinely enjoy in life — you’ll reap the benefits of your overall health — and productivity!
Bonus tip
Short on time? Try the “15 minute rule” and set a timer to unplug! Where and when do you find your flow?
For anyone who follows Marie Kondo, you know how tidying can immediately shift the energy of your space, and your life! Decluttering and editing is not just because you want your house to appear Instagram-worthy though. It’s also so that you can get clear about your values — what is important to you? What is useful and purposeful to you?
Kondo recommends going by themes to declutter (clothing, books, papers, miscellaneous, and sentimental items). Hold every item in your hand and ask yourself if you truly need, use or love it. If something doesn't genuinely “spark joy,” thank it, and then set it aside to be donated or discarded.
Organizing is not a one-size-fits-all process though. If working in categories does not appeal to you, simply try decluttering room by room, focusing on high-clutter areas such as your garage, closets, cabinets and drawers.
Bonus tip
Don’t forget about a digital declutter too! Take time to remove unused apps, clear the inbox, and delete old files to free up storage space.
So often we focus on streamlining our spaces, but what about also decluttering our schedules and weekly routines? The fall is a great time to examine your obligations of time — everywhere between house chores, work, school, extracurriculars, social time and more.
Consider letting go of whatever is on your calendar that brings you or your family more stress than satisfaction. Which activities create more complications than clarity?
Perhaps it’s cutting out the weekly involvement of a sports team, or that grueling annual trip to see relatives. Or maybe it’s adding more simplicity and predictability to your day through meal prep and planning. Bottom line: Our lives our precious and short — let’s spend them doing things that bring us joy, not dread!
When planning out our time and schedules be aware of what your natural energy cycles and tendencies are — are you a morning person, or a night owl? Do you prefer a packed week and then a weekend of rest, or the opposite? Lastly, remember to be realistic and allot plenty of buffer time between activities, knowing that nearly everything always takes longer than we think.
Bonus tip
Is doing housework on your “dread list”? Consider investing in a monthly cleaning service — but only after you’ve had a professional decluttering session with Keli, of course! Remember, edit first — then organize!
Stuck on a project and don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re juggling a bunch of partially completed tasks. This is one of my favorite tricks for eliminating mental clutter and decision fatigue.
Every so often when I am feeling overwhelmed with the chaos of work or life, I write out every single thing on my mind onto a stack of sticky notes. Then I follow my signature in-home organizing process, only applying it to my thoughts/to-do list instead. After it’s all out of my head and onto paper I start taking the sticky notes and sorting them into categories that make sense for you. Examples include “Urgent, Important, Not Urgent, etc.” or “Errands, Communications, Mental Tasks, Tasks to Delegate),” or even tasks based on time “10 minutes or less”, “over 10 minutes” etc.
Once every note has been categorized and sorted, I have a clear visual picture of what’s ahead of me to accomplish. When it’s no longer a mess in my mind it becomes instantly easier to process, digest and prioritize and then most importantly — ACT!
This method allows me to tackle the micro-tasks that add up, and keeps the momentum rolling for the big stuff too. One step at a time, whittling away on the journey towards progress. You can do it!
Bonus tip
If you're not into sticky notes, you can create a similar “mind map” using the Japanese Kanban method.
As the temperatures drop over the next few months, our energy and way of being shifts too. What parts of your home need to transition away from spring and summer and into the fall and winter season? Take a look around to see if the season is reflected in your space which will add natural alignment and flow for you, your family, and your guests.
Examples of places and opportunities where fall can appear in your home:
Spray off your outdoor patio furniture for storage, or put on protective weatherproof covers.
Check out your garage or attic for autumnal or holiday decor
Curate your closet with a seasonally appropriate wardrobe
Transition your bedding and couches with cozy comforters, colorful throw pillows and blankets
Bonus tip
Invest in hygge decor details such as pumpkin scented candles, gords, and fall plantings which make fall so special and magical.
Remember, there’s no need to succumb to the fall frenzy, or even the winter blues. If unpacking your new home, implementing new systems and preparing for the new season seems too overwhelming, we’re here for you! Organized by Keli & Co. is dedicated to helping clients in Denver create spaces that support your lifestyle, vision and goals. We can help you organize your home so that you can thrive in an environment that works for you. Reach out today for a free consultation to see how we can help you get focused and find your ultimate flow in life!