Move In and Move out with Life

Matter Most

Our professional organizers can manage and transition so you can focus on what matter most

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Move In and Move out with Life

Matter Most

Our professional organizers can manage and transition so you can focus on what matter most

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Save your Sanity

Move In and Move out with Life

Matter Most

Our professional organizers can manage and transition so you can focus on what matter most

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Save your Sanity

Move In and Move out with Life

Matter Most

Our professional organizers can manage and transition so you can focus on what matter most

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Save your Sanity



Decluttering Techniques for Home Organization

Decluttering Techniques for Home Organization

June 05, 20247 min read

Are piles of unsorted mail, books stacked on every surface, and a garage that hasn't seen a car in years sounding familiar? Clearing out the clutter might feel overwhelming. 

In this blog, we break down simple steps to rejuvenate your living spaces effectively. Learn the essentials of decluttering and how a professional touch can transform your home efficiently. 

If you need help from top-tier professional organizers in Denver, Organized by Keli & Co. is ready to assist. We offer expert guidance on home decluttering tips that you would be thankful for!

Do You Need to Organize Your Home?

Before we dive into the best home decluttering tips, let's tackle a common question: Do you really need to organize your home? The answer might seem straightforward, but the impact of a tidy space goes beyond just aesthetics.

Living Room

Organizing your living room not only enhances its appearance but also boosts its functionality. An ordered space can transform your living room into a welcoming area for relaxation and social gatherings. It makes finding remotes, books, and other frequently used items much easier.


A well-organized kitchen improves your cooking processes and saves you time. By arranging utensils, pots, and ingredients neatly, you minimize the time spent searching for items, making meal preparation quicker and more enjoyable.


In the bedroom, decluttering can significantly improve your sleep quality, so it’s really necessary to contact your local professional home organizers. A clutter-free environment reduces stress and distraction, enabling a more restful night. Additionally, organizing your clothes and personal items simplifies your morning routine.

Home Office

For those with a home office, organization is key to productivity. Clearing your workspace of unnecessary clutter helps focus your mind, leading to increased efficiency and reduced work-related stress.


Finally, organizing your garage or letting your professional home organizers do it allows you to maximize this often underutilized space. Whether it's for storing tools, seasonal gear, or even parking a car, a tidy garage enhances accessibility and functionality.

Simple Rules to Start Decluttering Your Home

Unsure how to kick off your home decluttering? Here are some simple strategies that might just work wonders for you.

The 90/90 Rule

This guideline helps you decide on items you're unsure about. If you haven't used something in the past 90 days and don't plan to use it in the next 90, it’s likely unnecessary. For example, if you have kitchen gadgets that haven’t seen daylight since last Christmas, it might be time to say goodbye.

The One-Touch Rule

The principle behind this rule is efficiency. Handle an item once and make a decision immediately. This means when you pick up your coat, instead of tossing it on a chair, hang it up right away. This helps prevent clutter from accumulating and teaches you to deal with items on the spot.

The Four-Box Method

Sort your belongings into four categories: Trash, Give Away, Keep, or Store. This method is usually used by professional home organizers like Organized by Keli & Co., which lets their clients take decisive actions about each item, helping to clear clutter systematically. 

For instance, when sorting through a messy drawer, you’d decide quickly whether each pen, notepad, or random accessory belongs in your space or not.

The KonMari Method

Popularized by Marie Kondo, this Japanese approach involves keeping only those things that "spark joy." Start with clothes, then move on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and finally, sentimental items. The key is to handle each item and ask yourself if it brings you joy. If not, thank it for its service and part ways. For example, when decluttering your wardrobe, keep only those pieces that make you feel good.

The Closet Hanger Method

Reverse all the hangers in your closet so the hooks point towards you. After you wear an item, put it back with the hook the normal way. After six months, any hanger still facing the wrong way represents an unworn item, suggesting it's time to let it go. This is particularly effective for evaluating your wardrobe and reducing its size.

Top Home Decluttering Tips for Every Part of Your House

Let’s now get to the best stuff you’re waiting for. Here are the best home decluttering tips you should know, straight from our experts at Organized by Keli & Co.

Decluttering the Living Room

Start by sorting through all items in your living room. Use baskets or boxes for quick sorting - one for items to keep, one to donate, and one for trash. Focus especially on magazines, decorations, and electronics. Evaluate each item's use and the joy it brings. 

If it's not functional or loved, it should go. Once sorted, find appropriate storage solutions for the items you keep. This might include stylish bins for remotes and devices or bookshelves for your favorite reads.

Kitchen Decluttering Tactics

The kitchen requires efficiency. Begin with one area at a time - perhaps the pantry or a single cupboard. Empty out the contents, wipe down the shelves, and start sorting. Check expiry dates and usability of gadgets. 

If you haven't used that yogurt maker in a year, you likely won't start now. Use drawer organizers for utensils and consider a spice rack that fits your cooking flow. The key is to keep counters clear except for items you use daily.

Bedroom Organization

In the bedroom, your closet is often the biggest challenge. One of the best home decluttering tips out there is to apply the reverse hanger method to identify clothes you no longer wear. For other items, like books and knick-knacks on nightstands, apply the 90/90 rule. 

If they don’t enhance your relaxation or serve a purpose, find them a new home or dispose of them. Under-bed storage can be excellent for off-season clothing or extra linens.

Bathroom Simplification

Tackle one drawer or cabinet at a time in the bathroom. Dispose of expired medications and skincare products. If you’re holding onto hotel toiletries or samples, donate them if unused or throw them away if old. 

Use drawer dividers for makeup and small containers for things like cotton balls and swabs. Keeping countertops clear except for essentials can drastically improve the feel of your bathroom.

Garage Decluttering Strategy

Garages often become dumping grounds. Start by categorizing items into groups such as tools, sports equipment, and holiday decorations. Install shelves or cabinets if you need more storage. 

Tools should be easily accessible, ideally hung on the wall or stored in a toolbox. Consider donating items you haven’t used in over a year.

Making Decluttering Simple With Our Expert Help

So you're looking around your home, wondering what to keep and what to toss? Let's make it easy for you. At Organized by Keli & Co., we're here to improve your decluttering process and make it as stress-free as possible.

Our team of professional home organizers is your go-to standard in Denver for transforming cluttered spaces into areas of tranquility. Here's how we can make decluttering worthwhile for you:

  • Personalized Consultation: We start with a Zoom consultation to understand your specific needs like move management. We will also tailor a plan that fits your life.

  • Comprehensive Unpacking and Organizing Services: Our team handles everything. You won't need to lift a finger from unpacking boxes to organizing your kitchen, living room, bedroom, and even the garage.

  • Efficient Systems and Processes: We use proven strategies to minimize decision fatigue. This includes sorting, categorizing, and recommending the disposal of items you no longer need or want.

  • Minimal Time Investment from You: Our 'done for you' service means you can relax or focus on other tasks while we take care of the decluttering.

  • Discretion and Privacy: We ensure confidentiality throughout the process, with no details shared without your consent.

  • Local Expertise: Familiar with every neighborhood in the Denver area, we bring a localized understanding to each project, ensuring solutions that are not just effective but culturally and spatially relevant.

For Denver residents, we offer a localized service that understands the nuances of city living—from compact city apartments to sprawling suburban homes. 

Whether you're in Cherry Creek or Castle Rock, our team is equipped and ready to assist. We understand the unique challenges and lifestyles of Denverites, making our services highly relevant and specific.

If you're looking for a hassle-free way to reclaim your space with the best unpacking services, Organized by Keli & Co. is here to help. Reach out today, and let's transform your home into a model of organization and style.

blog author image

Keli Jakel

Having walked through many challenging transitions herself, Keli knows well the value of being able to find order in a season that feels chaotic. With a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, Keli spent her early years working in the field of education. It was her passion for serving others and her ability to see patterns where others can’t that inspired her to launch Organized by Keli & Co. Since then, she’s dedicated her career to helping people reach their potential in spaces they love.

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Decluttering Techniques for Home Organization

Decluttering Techniques for Home Organization

June 05, 20247 min read

Are piles of unsorted mail, books stacked on every surface, and a garage that hasn't seen a car in years sounding familiar? Clearing out the clutter might feel overwhelming. 

In this blog, we break down simple steps to rejuvenate your living spaces effectively. Learn the essentials of decluttering and how a professional touch can transform your home efficiently. 

If you need help from top-tier professional organizers in Denver, Organized by Keli & Co. is ready to assist. We offer expert guidance on home decluttering tips that you would be thankful for!

Do You Need to Organize Your Home?

Before we dive into the best home decluttering tips, let's tackle a common question: Do you really need to organize your home? The answer might seem straightforward, but the impact of a tidy space goes beyond just aesthetics.

Living Room

Organizing your living room not only enhances its appearance but also boosts its functionality. An ordered space can transform your living room into a welcoming area for relaxation and social gatherings. It makes finding remotes, books, and other frequently used items much easier.


A well-organized kitchen improves your cooking processes and saves you time. By arranging utensils, pots, and ingredients neatly, you minimize the time spent searching for items, making meal preparation quicker and more enjoyable.


In the bedroom, decluttering can significantly improve your sleep quality, so it’s really necessary to contact your local professional home organizers. A clutter-free environment reduces stress and distraction, enabling a more restful night. Additionally, organizing your clothes and personal items simplifies your morning routine.

Home Office

For those with a home office, organization is key to productivity. Clearing your workspace of unnecessary clutter helps focus your mind, leading to increased efficiency and reduced work-related stress.


Finally, organizing your garage or letting your professional home organizers do it allows you to maximize this often underutilized space. Whether it's for storing tools, seasonal gear, or even parking a car, a tidy garage enhances accessibility and functionality.

Simple Rules to Start Decluttering Your Home

Unsure how to kick off your home decluttering? Here are some simple strategies that might just work wonders for you.

The 90/90 Rule

This guideline helps you decide on items you're unsure about. If you haven't used something in the past 90 days and don't plan to use it in the next 90, it’s likely unnecessary. For example, if you have kitchen gadgets that haven’t seen daylight since last Christmas, it might be time to say goodbye.

The One-Touch Rule

The principle behind this rule is efficiency. Handle an item once and make a decision immediately. This means when you pick up your coat, instead of tossing it on a chair, hang it up right away. This helps prevent clutter from accumulating and teaches you to deal with items on the spot.

The Four-Box Method

Sort your belongings into four categories: Trash, Give Away, Keep, or Store. This method is usually used by professional home organizers like Organized by Keli & Co., which lets their clients take decisive actions about each item, helping to clear clutter systematically. 

For instance, when sorting through a messy drawer, you’d decide quickly whether each pen, notepad, or random accessory belongs in your space or not.

The KonMari Method

Popularized by Marie Kondo, this Japanese approach involves keeping only those things that "spark joy." Start with clothes, then move on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and finally, sentimental items. The key is to handle each item and ask yourself if it brings you joy. If not, thank it for its service and part ways. For example, when decluttering your wardrobe, keep only those pieces that make you feel good.

The Closet Hanger Method

Reverse all the hangers in your closet so the hooks point towards you. After you wear an item, put it back with the hook the normal way. After six months, any hanger still facing the wrong way represents an unworn item, suggesting it's time to let it go. This is particularly effective for evaluating your wardrobe and reducing its size.

Top Home Decluttering Tips for Every Part of Your House

Let’s now get to the best stuff you’re waiting for. Here are the best home decluttering tips you should know, straight from our experts at Organized by Keli & Co.

Decluttering the Living Room

Start by sorting through all items in your living room. Use baskets or boxes for quick sorting - one for items to keep, one to donate, and one for trash. Focus especially on magazines, decorations, and electronics. Evaluate each item's use and the joy it brings. 

If it's not functional or loved, it should go. Once sorted, find appropriate storage solutions for the items you keep. This might include stylish bins for remotes and devices or bookshelves for your favorite reads.

Kitchen Decluttering Tactics

The kitchen requires efficiency. Begin with one area at a time - perhaps the pantry or a single cupboard. Empty out the contents, wipe down the shelves, and start sorting. Check expiry dates and usability of gadgets. 

If you haven't used that yogurt maker in a year, you likely won't start now. Use drawer organizers for utensils and consider a spice rack that fits your cooking flow. The key is to keep counters clear except for items you use daily.

Bedroom Organization

In the bedroom, your closet is often the biggest challenge. One of the best home decluttering tips out there is to apply the reverse hanger method to identify clothes you no longer wear. For other items, like books and knick-knacks on nightstands, apply the 90/90 rule. 

If they don’t enhance your relaxation or serve a purpose, find them a new home or dispose of them. Under-bed storage can be excellent for off-season clothing or extra linens.

Bathroom Simplification

Tackle one drawer or cabinet at a time in the bathroom. Dispose of expired medications and skincare products. If you’re holding onto hotel toiletries or samples, donate them if unused or throw them away if old. 

Use drawer dividers for makeup and small containers for things like cotton balls and swabs. Keeping countertops clear except for essentials can drastically improve the feel of your bathroom.

Garage Decluttering Strategy

Garages often become dumping grounds. Start by categorizing items into groups such as tools, sports equipment, and holiday decorations. Install shelves or cabinets if you need more storage. 

Tools should be easily accessible, ideally hung on the wall or stored in a toolbox. Consider donating items you haven’t used in over a year.

Making Decluttering Simple With Our Expert Help

So you're looking around your home, wondering what to keep and what to toss? Let's make it easy for you. At Organized by Keli & Co., we're here to improve your decluttering process and make it as stress-free as possible.

Our team of professional home organizers is your go-to standard in Denver for transforming cluttered spaces into areas of tranquility. Here's how we can make decluttering worthwhile for you:

  • Personalized Consultation: We start with a Zoom consultation to understand your specific needs like move management. We will also tailor a plan that fits your life.

  • Comprehensive Unpacking and Organizing Services: Our team handles everything. You won't need to lift a finger from unpacking boxes to organizing your kitchen, living room, bedroom, and even the garage.

  • Efficient Systems and Processes: We use proven strategies to minimize decision fatigue. This includes sorting, categorizing, and recommending the disposal of items you no longer need or want.

  • Minimal Time Investment from You: Our 'done for you' service means you can relax or focus on other tasks while we take care of the decluttering.

  • Discretion and Privacy: We ensure confidentiality throughout the process, with no details shared without your consent.

  • Local Expertise: Familiar with every neighborhood in the Denver area, we bring a localized understanding to each project, ensuring solutions that are not just effective but culturally and spatially relevant.

For Denver residents, we offer a localized service that understands the nuances of city living—from compact city apartments to sprawling suburban homes. 

Whether you're in Cherry Creek or Castle Rock, our team is equipped and ready to assist. We understand the unique challenges and lifestyles of Denverites, making our services highly relevant and specific.

If you're looking for a hassle-free way to reclaim your space with the best unpacking services, Organized by Keli & Co. is here to help. Reach out today, and let's transform your home into a model of organization and style.

blog author image

Keli Jakel

Having walked through many challenging transitions herself, Keli knows well the value of being able to find order in a season that feels chaotic. With a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, Keli spent her early years working in the field of education. It was her passion for serving others and her ability to see patterns where others can’t that inspired her to launch Organized by Keli & Co. Since then, she’s dedicated her career to helping people reach their potential in spaces they love.

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Keli & Co. provides move management and professional home organizing services in Denver, Co.